Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Okay, I hope I did this right. Seven is good which I guess takes me to my first of the Seven weird or random things about me. . . . . . .
1) My Birthday is 7/7/79
2) I was told by a fortune reader that I was going to have 7 babies. Although I am done, I read Jimmys tarot and it too said one more baby. Coinsidence?
3) Jimmy and I have survived the 7 year itch. With flying colors. Still like him!! Very much, maybe that is where the baby come from. Lol!!
Okay I am done with the seven thing.
4) I found my cat! This is good because I thought she was dead. I hate to say it like that. But she was missing for 2 days in the rain and she is 16. I so thought she crawled off to die, but nope she is still kicking.
5) I have lived in a few differnt places, California, Utah, Las Vegas, California, Arizona, Utah. And when I was little I got to fly from place to place to see my parents. I always loved to fly.
6) I love to travel and one day I am going to travel the world. Really. I am not going to miss a spot. I am going to travel to rainforests, dry lands, wet lands, swamp lands. Who wants to go with me and Jimmy?
7) Okay, this is the last one and quiet frankly I am tired of talking about me. Can we talk about something else now?
Hey you all I am tagging you so again, TAGGGG YOU ARE IT!!!!!!!!!

Forth in Forth

Okay So I was tagged to give you my forth picture in my picture file. Well This is the fourth picture in my fourth file. I have alot of pictures. I have like 10 files. So this is Christmas last year and in it is Breanna, Alayna, and Abby(in the car seat). We had so much fun, but we always do! So now I tag all of you others whom did not tag me. Did that all make sence, Anyway. . . . . . . .